Ive Been Tagged!

By Naughty Marcus, LC the Dog Rescuer and Darko the Bahamas Boy

The Rules

Create a post containing six random, unimportant, or silly facts about yourself.
Include the rules of the tagging in your post.
Tag six people to do the same thing, by commenting on their page with a link to your post.

Six of One and Half a Dozen of the Other:

1. I have a belly button ring.

2. Once, my (then) boyfriend left me sleeping in a room containing a snake tank that housed deadly snakes. He forgot to put the lid back on. Three of them escaped while I was sleeping. :yikes: We found them under the covers at the foot of the bed-which was just a mattress on the floor back then. Personally I think he was trying to get rid of me 😀

3. I have no interest in clothes, make up, hair, jewellery. or next to none, apart from normal grooming. I am the girl for whom "everything feels too tight"..clothes, shoes, belts, i hate them all. Everything I own is loose or if it's not it has lycra in it somewhere so it doesn't irritate me. I have never had any trouble attracting a man with my bare face and "who gives a damn" outlook in this area.

The boyfriends I have had met me 1: covered in paint, 2: covered in flour 3: covered in mud. I simply don't care and likely never will. If it's a really special occasion I might wear lipstick or mascara, both will irritate me. If I have to get all gussied up to attract you, you ain't for me and I'm definitely not for you.

4. I gesture with my hands all the time when I'm speaking. I can't help it, I've tried.

5. I don't like the "69". I'm ok with pretty much everything else (apart from the REALLY kinky stuff..you know the perverse kind..i'm NOT explaining). :bug:

6. I have been voted: Most likely to have been burned at the stake FIRST at the Salem Witch Trials in
the 1600's. :left:


The Prey:

Martin, because he loves nature and THAT ROCKS!
Jose, because he seems so open and friendly and leaves colorful comments
Qlue, because he's a mine of interesting info and shares it without seeming arrogant
Sonam, because he has a cool name and good ideas
James, because he's funny and kind and not AT ALL mad
Fati, because we laugh together and she is a great support to me every day

I hope I've left out all the people that have been tagged 50 times already!



40 Replies to “Ive Been Tagged!”

  1. :eyes:No wonder I cant find the perfect women!!! I have been searching in bars, clubs, the library, art museums and 6 states :doh: and all this time she has been living in South Africa. A very wise man, that passed away about 8 years ago, once told me the following “69 is like eating pizza and drinking a cold beer. Just too much of a good thing. Get a blow job, then eat some pussy and enjoy both the way it is meant to be!” :whistle::devil:

  2. Okay Rip you probably wont meet a girl in south africa with things like that. :DThanxs for the take Michelle, i will add you on to my already their blog. Till I can find more quirks of mine. :DI just notice what you have done as you occupation. “Girl with Cape,” that is so cool

  3. Hey I never been to South Africa, so I would not really now. :whistle:So Dream LC Dream like you never dreamed before. Just dont go overboard. 😀

  4. She was references the fact that apparently she is a mean witch of a women. Either that or she carries her ex boyfriends shrunken heads around with her on a necklace :eyes::devil:

  5. most of the women they killed were just very outspoken or did things like grew herbs :left: or dared to challenge the town leaders. i;m very un-witchy darks. 😀

  6. really? you do all your “opera” from your PHONE!? Eish! No worries, take your time, whenever you get there we’ll still be interested 😀

  7. darko you can google about the Salem Witch Trials…there was a lot of cruelty and puritanical madness going on over there at the time. terrible really..they just fabricated things and used simple things like: she owns a cat or a bird or the plants in the garden, making of herbal rememdies or a mark on the body as “evidence of witchdom” :frown:

  8. You’d have to know something about witchhunts to fully understand. :D.My next ‘tagged’ post won’t be untill next week. It takes quite some time to build such a complex post from a cellphone. :whistle:

  9. LC what’s all this about libraries and art galleries? everybody knows you can’t meet anybody nice there…. :left: :right:Jose..you are portuguese? mexican?

  10. that’s why i’d have been the first to go :rolleyes: they really did vote for me. we were watching a film about it:”i wonder if one of us would have been burned at the stake back then, who would be the most likely?”*all look over at ME*so funny!:lol:

  11. Buen trabajo, Michelle. Lo hiciste mejor que you puedo hacerlo. :DWhen ever i write in spanish i always missplee the words. 😀

  12. Michelle, did you change your “preys” ? I looked and didn’t see my name the first time…. or I was just blind? :doh: Sorry… didn’t want to escape it I swear! (I’ve been tagged from all sides anyway.)

  13. no, it was always there! 😆 i was supposed to come and tag you, and everybody else, but then i thought: well if you can’t read…ha ha! i’m just teasing you, love. je ne vous aurais jamais oublié!*hopes*

  14. Originally posted by Michelle:i think this depends on the type of “deafness” being experienced:lol: That’s so true! 😀

  15. Michelle likes to walk around nekkid in public…oops wear tight see-through clothes in public, and she calls me naughty? :rolleyes: 😆

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